April 19, 2012


Bestest bff Britt Britt is a gal of many skills and talents. The one she's known for is equestrian. She was recently competing in a horse show this past weekend to show off her amazing new horse: Leragon. This is a wonderful horse, he eats strawberries and has a beautiful coat, mild mannered, tricksy and an instant star. With a placing of 4th in the first ride and 1st in the second and final ride, it's obvious that this lil guy (he's only 4 and this was his first official show ever!) and his lovely rider are going to take the province (and wherever else they go) by storm.

I'm so glad I was able to make it and watch you ride, it was such a treat to be there with your beau, your momma, and Mrs. Babe.

Good show Britt Britt, good show!


April 17, 2012

All The Rowboats

I love this woman. She's incredibly talented and I am really looking forward to her new album out on May 29, 2012: What We Saw From The Cheap Seats. And yes, I've pre-ordered it. This song is from that new album. It's wonderful and she looks delicious too. Ladies and Gents, without further ado: Regina Spektor.....

A Delightful Find on a Day Off From Work

Well friends, over here at Breathe we are officially on Wedding Countdown. This past Thursday was the one-month-to-wedding-day day and this week marks the beginning of all wedding related events and activities. So we be busy 'round these parts. Today though, I'm taking it easy for a little bit (hence the post). In my little break, I've come across a blog that I'm so happy to have found even though a part of me wishes I had seen it earlier in the game. Oh well! It's still amazing!

For all you DIYers out there, the blog "I-Do"-It-Yourself is great. It's filled with great ideas and templates, links, free fonts and designs, and other printable items. Here's a sweet bonus: pretty much everything they post is free! Free fonts! Free downloads! Free templates! FREE! That's pretty awesome I think.

Here's one of my favourites so far:

You can check out the post featuring this suite here.
There's also a good selection of different colours to suit your events palette.

There's also the most darling vintage looking print of birds that I fully intend on printing out and placing it in a wonderful frame for my future home (Q & I are beginning to house hunt.....eeeeeee!).

It's been a slice, but I must continue looking through my new discovery and work on my remaining wedding DIY projects, cleaning the house, etc.

Enjoy the sun!
