October 24, 2011

Who Likes Cupcakes?!

I do I do I do!!! So much so that I devoted this past Saturday evening to making Halloween cupcakes and Q played a new video game, Rage (pretty cool so far I must say). All in all, a pretty good Saturday night for us. I must say that my favourite part of cupcake making is mixing the icing into fantastic colours. And then of course the decorating with sprinkles and such. Have a looksy!

Ready to decorate!

Test tube sprinkles?! How cool!

Bright icing and cool sprinkles make for tasty treats for boys and ghouls!

I was lucky to have an adorable audience/helper: our little Arkham.

Don't be fooled, this little guy did not help with the huge mound of dishes.
He just chilled out for a bit in the sink.     :)

I would also like to show off my sweet find: a pretty cake plate. I found it on kijiji.com and paid a whopping $5 for it. $5! How amazing is that?! And look at how pretty it is!

Best deal for a wedding cake! And it will be eternally useful for various parties too. Not just for a dessert platter, but as a punch bowl!

Best $5 I ever spent.     :)

L'autumn, je t'aime.

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.....

1. Colour, brought to you by Mother Nature.

2. Fun & warm headgear.

 from Spring.

3. Beautiful nails.

Hot for Chocoloate, Revlon. Devil's Advocate, Essie. Hot Cocoa, Rimmel.
Mink Muffs, Essie. First Class, Quo by Orly.

4. Gorgeous heels.

from Spring.

5. Big girly sweaters to go with a super hot pencil skirt.

photo via rw&co. This sweater is super comfy and warm and it makes me feel pretty.
Can't wait to go to a fancy dinner to recreate this knockout look with my own skirt and bag
and my sexy Steve Madden nude heels.

6 thru.....there are so many more amazing things. Stay tuned.....

October 18, 2011

Pen Tester

I bought a pen on the weekend. A pen that has a claim that seems rather unbelievable. A pen that was also slightly overpriced for a regular looking plastic pen. Naturally I couldn't help but spend that mildly highish price point for a simple pen and I will do my damnedest to keep true to the task of being the tester of said pen. Here's what you've all been waiting in anticipation for: The Seven Year Pen.

It apparently has "a jumbo ink supply" of "super smooth black ink" and a "long-life tip" that can write up to 1.7 metres a day for seven years and not skip a beat. Plus it's Swiss Made. They think of everything. So eco-friendly. Good folks, them Swiss.....and Swedes. All the Norwegian peeps out there. Thumbs up to you!

I probably should have posted this yesterday for this pen test to have full effect, but fortunately for me, the newest episode of Bored To Death was calling and I couldn't not watch George Christopher. If you were in the same situation, you would've done the same thing. 


A Handful of Smiles.....

.....is what happens when you look at this next batch.

A throwback to last year when I bought the best mask ever. Fits like a dream.
This is my other other kitty, Jags as he's affectionately known.
He's gonna look great this year. Totally fitting costume.
Finally! I found the perfect representation of a bat to go with my
skull tattoo. Very excited for the day when I get his beauty done.

A view from a cemetery. Peaceful.

October 17, 2011

Reveal #2!

Remember that horrible little photo at the end of the Sneak Peeks post? The blurry and pixely as all hell one? Yeah, I finished it and here are some better photos as promised.

Pay no heed to the kinda crappy job on the limbs. 

It's a sock skeleton! From Martha Stewart and Mahar Dry Goods. Wanna know how to DYI? Check out the video on Martha's site. Bones here is super soft and cuddly aaaaaaand he's wicked cute. Bones was gifted to a friend and I'm going to make his twin to live at our house. Can't wait for our new snuggly roommate!


Halloween Baby

Friends of ours are about to have a baby and I couldn't be more thrilled for them. And I'm equally delighted that this babe will arrive in the best month ever. I'm so delighted in fact that I wanted to keep the gift that we gave them.

Not only was it wrapped with great ribbon, but inside was.....

Kidding! The true gift was:

.....a teeny Halloween jumper and tuque! The best part of the jumper is that it glows in the dark! No chance of losing the babe on All Hallows Eve. Bonus points for us! The gift box doubles as a photo box. Double gift! Needless to say it might be a tad difficult to top the awesomeness of this one. :) Happy First Halloween Baby F!



October 11, 2011

Reveal #1!

How excited are you for this?! I'm excited they turned out really good! As amazing as they are there's a little kink to work out when I make the next batch.....of 3 dozen. Oh boy, that will be an afternoon in itself. Anyways the reveal! BFF Britt Britt guessed correctly on one of the sneaks, so here's her prize: VIRTUAL HIGH FIVE!

In the sneak peeks post, there was a big ball of yellow fluff then some little yellow balls. Britt Britt got it so here I am to share it now that they are complete: they are felt craspedia (or Billy Balls).

I came across this particular fancy flower idea on Design*Sponge, who got the idea from this creative lady. Her blog is amazing! It is filled great DIY ideas and is also a wonderful inspiration for decorating and design. PS: For anyone wishing to get me a gift for no reason other than they want to, I would like very much to have the Design*Sponge book that just came out last month. FYI. Just sayin'.

:) Fleurs!

October 10, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving One & All!

I hope you all have stuffed your bellies to the point of bursting and that you're winding down the first major holiday with a nice big glass of wine. I choose chocolate swirl cheesecake. Yummy! Tonight was the first Thanksgiving I had without my whole family, just me, Q, and the kitties. A sweet little dinner for two and I successfully made cornbread! For the first time ever! And it was super tasty! It's all thanks to Q for finding the recipe, quick and simple.

Want to have some of it? Well here's the recipe for you to try:

Buttermilk Cornbread

1/2 c.       butter
2/3 c.       white sugar
2              eggs
1 c.          buttermilk
1/2 tsp.    baking soda
1 c.          cornmeal
1 c.          all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp.    salt

- Preheat oven to 375F (175C). Grease an 8 inch square pan (I used a glass loaf pan and it worked great).
- Melt butter in a large skillet. Remove from heat and stir in sugar. Quickly add eggs and beat until well blended.
- Combine buttermilk with baking soda and stir into mixture in pan. Stir in cornmeal, flour, and salt until blended and few lumps remain. Pour batter into the prepared pan.
- Bake for 30 - 40 minutes (I did 45 minutes, your oven will most likely be different than mine).

That's all there is to it! See how easy?


Hocus Pocus

One of the greatest phrases ever, Hocus Pocus! It's also the name of a movie that I have loved since I was a wee lass. Last week I had decided on Floyd's costume for this year. It will be subtle and amazing, plus it will super cost effective. Wanna know? Floyd will be Binx this year!

Clever right?! Hahaha maybe not but I think it's great. We watched this wonderful movie last night and although I had taken literal inspiration for Floyd's costume prior to pushing play, I hadn't even thought of it for me. Now I have, I'm thinking Sarah? 

She was my favourite of the Sanderson sisters when I was a kid. I'm certainly not a blonde-haired, blue-eyed bombshell, but maybe this year I shall be her anyway. Wigs are cheap. Who knows, still many other ideas floating about.

No matter what I decide, Floyd will look awesome! Now for Arkham.....Garfield perhaps??


October 9, 2011

Kale, Clavicle Moons, and Sneak Peeks

A few weeks ago I had purchased some ornamental kale and it unfortunately didn't live as long as I had hoped. It was a short lived beauty but I think that I will get some more of it soon.

Although we are only a bit over a week into October, I already have a cold. Boourns to that! But no cold shall inhibit my delightful outfits and accessorizing on days off. Check it out!

I have a number of projects that I want to accomplish in the next little while. As I complete them (successfully or not :P) I will post it here for all to see. Some are holiday related and some are wedding related, some are crafty and some aren't, I just want to show off a piece of it (mostly the wedding ones). Take a few guesses. Know what they could be??? If you're right, I'll send you a virtual high five!

The test run on these bad boys is nearly complete. Stay tuned!

Not the best photo for a sneak peek, but once I finish,
there will be waaaaay better photos. Scouts honour.

October: Beginning of Birthdays

Here we are in one of my favourite months. Hooray for fallen colourful leaves and cool breezy days, hooray for jackets, scarves, and sweaters, and hooray for hot cocoa and hot apple cider with pumpkin spice muffins! What a wonderful time! A delicious time. It is also the time of family birthdays to begin: 2 this week (!), 2 next month, 2 in December (plus Christmas and New Years), and it just goes on and on from there.

So I would like to send a big happy birthday to my grandfolks who each celebrated their birthdays this week, 5 days apart. For you, my grandfolks, the coolest kats, a dedicated post to you on this your birthday week, I love you!


Much love, xoxo!


It's almost here! When October 1st rolls around, the boxes of Halloween goodies come out of hibernation.

October 1st also made it abundantly clear that I am waaaay behind on the costume front. I have no clue what disguise I shall have this year! No clue! I thought of being Catwoman (the Michelle Pfeifer one, not the horrible Halle Berry one. God it was awful.) or something with the little army camouflage dress that I have from Halloween's gone by and didn't get to wear because of the H1N1 infection. Last year I was the lovely Harley Quinn. <3

Tough act to follow, right? Geepers, I better think fast and then work fast to make whatever idea come to life. So what do you think, fellow bloggers? Catwoman? A witch? Military inspired? Come on friends, throw some ideas at me and let me know what you will be dressed as! Time's a-ticking!