Someone very important to me showed me this photo and said that he agrees with what it says. I've been trying to decipher what I think of it. I agree with it as well, to a certain degree. I think. I should keep thinking on it. What are your thoughts? Share!
Well, I think that sometimes it's good to look beyond imperfections, but sometimes it's also good to look AT imperfections, and find joy and humor in them. At least, that mindset helps me embrace myself a bit more.
ReplyDelete"Our innate idiosyncrasies are actually more endearing to others than our most glorious personal achievements."
-Veronique Vienne in The Art of Imperfection
I couldn't have asked for a better response! Your counter-quote put my jumbled thoughts into ocular bliss. Should the subject of the post-it pictured come up again, I will definitely use the counter-quote to aid in my statement of agreement and opposition. Thank you m'lady!