Ever stop to think about the reality of things? The whys and the hows of it all? Or just to touch a flower without thinking of where you are going and if whether or not you'll be on time? I'm sure you have. I do. Whenever I can. And isn't that horrible? 'When I can'. I should just be doing it; just put everything on hold for a moment, just a moment. To stop and look around. Drink it in. We should all do it. We shouldn't have to 'make time'. Computers, cell phones, mobile internet, all of that. All of that takes us away. It's meant to keep us connected, all the time, connected. Granted it works in tracking each other down whenever we want, wherever we are, where you are. It's supposed to keep us in touch with the world, when I feel that it takes us away from actually experiencing the world. Ironic that I say this on a computer. I'm sure we've all had that thought. On more than one occasion, I've seriously thought of unplugging. Only for a while of course. Heaven forbid I miss out on something that occurs on a technologically structured social interface rather than go out and be social, face to face. A true interface. Breathe. I try. Another argument could be that all of this wonderful technology certainly is a blessing. It does keep us connected. Together. From far away lands or from around the corner. We can communicate quickly and efficiently to plan to spend time creating moments and memories. To come together and share. Together. Breathe. In short: am I a hypocrite? Probably. More importantly, are you one? Probably. I'm going to continue capturing the moments I stumble into that need to be cherished. Drink them in. Savor the taste. Breathe. Don't forget.
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