October 11, 2011

Reveal #1!

How excited are you for this?! I'm excited they turned out really good! As amazing as they are there's a little kink to work out when I make the next batch.....of 3 dozen. Oh boy, that will be an afternoon in itself. Anyways the reveal! BFF Britt Britt guessed correctly on one of the sneaks, so here's her prize: VIRTUAL HIGH FIVE!

In the sneak peeks post, there was a big ball of yellow fluff then some little yellow balls. Britt Britt got it so here I am to share it now that they are complete: they are felt craspedia (or Billy Balls).

I came across this particular fancy flower idea on Design*Sponge, who got the idea from this creative lady. Her blog is amazing! It is filled great DIY ideas and is also a wonderful inspiration for decorating and design. PS: For anyone wishing to get me a gift for no reason other than they want to, I would like very much to have the Design*Sponge book that just came out last month. FYI. Just sayin'.

:) Fleurs!


  1. WOW!!! These turned out so amazingly. They look perfect - great shape and great shade of yellow. I am so happy that you found my tutorial helpful.

    Good luck with your next batch!!
