December 5, 2011

Because The Comment Box Would Be Too Long

My friend Erinn did a new post today. A post that is very similar to those emails that your friends send you with little tidbits about them and then you are supposed to fill it out about yourself and forward it to a bunch of friends. I don't know why, but I have always liked completing those. Although I generally put jackass answers for funzees, I will try to do non-jackass answers for you.

Who I Am...

I am...a wee bit dorky.
I wish...I was more creative.....and had more time for crafts. seestor would really get into photography. she's amazing at it.
I want...(currently) to dye my hair (sans salon) but keep the highlights the sun left.
I have...3 perfect and weird cats.
I hate...brussel sprouts.
I water. sorry ocean, you're beautiful but there are too many things that make me uneasy.
I hear...bad sitcom jokes.
I search...for the perfect shot in everyday things. (beautiful christmas photos to come!)
I wonder...about the next 5 years and where we will be.
I regret...nothing.
I many people for so many different reasons. But Q makes my heart fizzle.
I ache...well my heart does, when I see others hurt or struggle.
I always...try to make Q laugh at least once a day. he's got the best smile.
I usually...plan my outfits for work/weekend plans the night before. it's a long process, creativity in clothing.
I am not...very good at having serious conversations (especially when asked for advice, I'm a better listener). I'm generally super emotional and have little to no control over the tear ducts.
I dance...a lot and it's awful. I tend to forget that Q is around and can see me. Again, dorky.
I sing...Florence + the machine in the car. All the time. And only alone. Ceremonials is amazing. Lungs will never go out of style.
I never...go without earrings in (except for sleep time). the piercing holes close up abnormally quick even though they're fully healed. 
I sometimes...feel that I am similar to Zooey Deschanel. She's a hip kat.
I chocolate every morning at work.
I know...that nothing is perfect. But Floyd is.     ;)
I the drop of a hat, sad cry or happy cry, drop of a hat.
I am not always...right.
I lose...most arguments and nearly all arm wrestling matches.
I am confused...about things now and again like everyone else.
I stop needlessly spending money. although the $7 DVD of She-Ra and He-Man: A Christmas Special was a total necessity.
I should...strive to be better everyday.

Your turn: Who Are You?


  1. "I am...a wee bit dorky."

    Being able to admit that is one of the coolest things about a person!

    {PS. I am too :)

  2. I love your dorkiness......Cute answers my dear. xx

    And I love the world of blogging!! How on earth do you and Nik know each other!?! Brilliant!! Her and I have known each other for about 10 years!!

    Fancy Napkin

  3. Such interesting little tidbits about ya! Love learning more about bloggers.

  4. Thanks ladies! I think I may do this type of thing every once in a while.

    You're all so wonderful and I'm completely inspired by each of you. I aspire to blog at your level. Working on it, working on it!

    All my luv!
