November 21, 2011

Sorry For The Delay

We will now return to the regular "scheduled" programming. When we last saw each other 20 days ago (yikes!), Q and I were in the process of moving home from Bridgetown. Well we made it. We've moved into our own little piece of home. Once I tidy it up a bit more, I'll give you a tour.

Our two boys, Floyd and Arkham were a little confused as to what was going on. Floyd's favourite sleeping spot had disappeared:

We turfed the couch because it was old and ripped to shreds on
the sides from our two monsters.
Floyd was nonetheless upset that his couch was gone.
And Arkham just jumped into and onto everything as we tried to pack up:

Ultimately, everything got packed and wrapped, and the monsters were snuggled into their carriers for the long drive. The whole ordeal was daunting but necessary. Want to see what we woke up to in Bridgetown the day before we had to drive home?

Really pretty (I heart fog) but not a nice thing to see when you have to drive five hours with a U-Haul truck full of stuff, a Jeep full of stuff and two cats (one of which is not a seasoned globetrotter like his brother). On moving day however, was a different look. Different as in you couldn't even see the tree because the fog was so thick. So in addition to Q having bronchitis and myself having a UTI, we had to delay our travel start time by nearly 3 hours. Not the worst thing in the world but enough to make you hang your head and say: "Awww sh*t".

Drive was good, unloading was speedy (naturally) and organizing boxes into what needed to be used and what could remain stored happened a few days later. Alls well!

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