October 10, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving One & All!

I hope you all have stuffed your bellies to the point of bursting and that you're winding down the first major holiday with a nice big glass of wine. I choose chocolate swirl cheesecake. Yummy! Tonight was the first Thanksgiving I had without my whole family, just me, Q, and the kitties. A sweet little dinner for two and I successfully made cornbread! For the first time ever! And it was super tasty! It's all thanks to Q for finding the recipe, quick and simple.

Want to have some of it? Well here's the recipe for you to try:

Buttermilk Cornbread

1/2 c.       butter
2/3 c.       white sugar
2              eggs
1 c.          buttermilk
1/2 tsp.    baking soda
1 c.          cornmeal
1 c.          all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp.    salt

- Preheat oven to 375F (175C). Grease an 8 inch square pan (I used a glass loaf pan and it worked great).
- Melt butter in a large skillet. Remove from heat and stir in sugar. Quickly add eggs and beat until well blended.
- Combine buttermilk with baking soda and stir into mixture in pan. Stir in cornmeal, flour, and salt until blended and few lumps remain. Pour batter into the prepared pan.
- Bake for 30 - 40 minutes (I did 45 minutes, your oven will most likely be different than mine).

That's all there is to it! See how easy?


1 comment:

  1. Umm, yum!!! I just made cornbread and it looks like the same recipe!! Great minds think a like I guess ;)
    Yum Yum!
