February 7, 2010
Missing The Bouts
Well folks, it's happened. I think I may have begun the slow ascension out of sloth. Huzzah! I went running with two Jenn's and a Steve this past week. I ran twice in one week! Twice! Plus I was fighting a valiant battle with a cold that had crippled me for what seemed like an age. I am now feeling better, just slight aches here and there from the excessive physical energy I've put out. For those who are unaware and are wondering why this news is so glorious I felt the need to report it to the world: I have not done much for exercise since the snow fell. Maybe even before that. I can't be sure, time is a strange creature: it's gone by so fast that certain memories I have I swear were from two years ago instead of one. Anyhow, I plan (and hope) to run at least twice a week, build up my endurance. There was a time where I fenced. No, not fenced like Joe Schlub of Suburbia, but fenced like in James Bond. According to some, I was pretty good for a beginner. I felt (and still feel) differently. Certain factors lead up to the end of my participation in the sport: illness, money, time, distance, etc., etc.. Some of those factors are still in play, but I'm going to do what I can to balance all that. It all hangs it what I discover on a field trip I've planned for myself to go on later this week. I need to find a new club to join because the one I was with has changed. One major change: the coach I had is no longer there. It's sad really. I wonder if he does private lessons, hmmm.....moving on..... I'm going to the main fencing club in town. From what I take from the website (which seems to have changed a little bit from what I remember since I last researched a club switch), it seems promising: "affordable", guaranteed quality coaching, decent facilities.....My field trip is to go to the club during the lesson time that I am interested in for my skill level and personal availability, and observe the coaches, the training, the workout regiment, perhaps purchase a body wire and find out a good place that will alter/tailor my equipment. I look forward to it, but I won't get my hopes up too much, I have to be realistic in these times for various personal reasons. Either way, I will do my dang darndest to work out more now that I've had a sip from that energy drink that I've let go for so long. I've been a jock the majority of my life, but in recent years I've become lazy and have a piss poor attention span. Being an ex-jock, it's easy enough to jump back in. I thought of rock/wall climbing and archery. Archery would be a lot of fun, however I'm leaning more towards the climbing. And even more than that, towards fencing and running. Focus. One thing at a time. See, awful attention span. Should things go well on the field trip, I'll be registering for the next season starting in May. I think I'll start practicing my technique for now. I can't wait. Souhaitez-moi la chance! Breathe. Hard.

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